Modeling Surface-Roughness-Induced Scattering in Non-Planar Silicon Nanostructures

Z. Stanojevic, H. Kosina
We extend the surface roughness scattering formalism for planar structures to non-planar ones. The planar-structure formalism based on theory by Prange and Nee [1] has been widely used for calculating the conductivity of inversion layers and thin films [2]. An extension to cylindrical nanowires has been developed by Jin et al. [3]; their model assumes isotropic band structure in the channel matrial and assigns radial and angular quantum numbers to each state thus facilitating the evaluation of the surface roughness matrix elements. We derive matrix elements for open and closed surfaces of arbitrary shape taking anisotropy of the band structure fullyrninto account. This model is applied to different device cross-sections such as a FinFET or a nanowire.
Publication date: 10 June 2013
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