DTCO flow for air spacer generation and its impact on power and performance at N7

Lado Filipovic*, Oskar Baumgartner, Xaver Klemenschits, Julius Piso*, Josip Bobinac*, Tobias Reiter*, Georg Strof, Gerhard Rzepa, Zlatan Stanojevic, Markus Karner; (*Technical University Vienna)
A novel DTCO flow is described with the principal aim to study the impact of air spacer fabrication on the power and performance of a 5-stage inverter ring oscillator at the 7 nm node. The flow incorporates physical and analytical process models from TU Vienna's ViennaPS simulation tool together with device and circuit simulations from GTS Framework’s Cell Designer. The air spacer is usually filled by sequential conformal and non-conformal deposition steps. The impact of the thickness of the conformal layer and the sticking probability during non-conformal deposition on the ring oscillator performance is studied here. The air gap, which forms the core of the air spacer, is generated during the non-conformal deposition step. We extract the relative effective permittivity of the air spacer as a function of these two fabrication parameters by solving the Poisson equation to obtain the spacer capacitance. Finally, SPICE model cards are extracted automatically from the TCAD transistor characteristics and the parasitic network is calculated from the full 3D ring oscillator logic cell using a field solver.
Publication date: 01 January 2023
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